Investor FAQs

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Founded in 2006, OptimizeRx was incorporated in Nevada.
OptimizeRx began trading on the public markets on November 28, 2007.
OptimizeRx trades under the ticker symbol OPRX on the Nasdaq Capital Market.
OptimizeRx’s fiscal financial reporting periods are based on the calendar year ending December 31. The company reports financial results on a quarterly basis for the three-month periods ending on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
OptimizeRx’s full year and fourth quarter results are typically announced in the first week of March. First quarter results are typically announced in the first week of May. Second quarter results are typically announced in the first week of August. Third quarter results are typically announced in the first week of November.
OptimizeRx’s common stock CUSIP is 68401U204.
OptimizeRx is a publicly traded company, currently trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol OPRX. OptimizeRx’s stock can be purchased through your accredited stock broker, or through an on-line stock broker. Currently, there are no opportunities to buy stock directly from the company. Before making any investment decisions, you should read OptimizeRx’s SEC Filings, recent press releases, and risk factors.
Contact OptimizeRx’s stock transfer agent:

Empire Stock Transfer Inc.
1859 Whitney Mesa Dr.
Henderson, NV 89014
Sadler Gibb
2455 East Parlays Way, Suite 320
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
OptimizeRx is headquartered in Rochester, MI at the following address: 400 Water Street, Suite 200
Rochester, MI 48307
OptimizeRx has not historically declared a cash dividend, and has no plans to do so in the foreseeable future.
OptimizeRx’s Annual Report, 10-Qs, 10-Ks, 8-Ks and other SEC filings are available on the investor relations website under SEC Filings.
OptimizeRx encourages environmental conservatism. An online version of OptimizeRx’s Annual Report, 10-Qs, 10-Ks, 8-Ks and other SEC filings are available on the investor relations website under SEC Filings.
OptimizeRx Contact:
Doug Baker, CFO
Tel (248) 651-6568 x807
Investor Relations Contact:
Ron Both
Tel (949) 432-7557